Under what conditions can I withdraw the money held in my RRSP+ with the Fonds?
You may withdraw the money held in your RRSP+ with the Fonds under the following conditions
In some of these situations, making a withdrawal can impact your eligibility to tax credits.
Please contact one of our agents for more information on the share buyback process.
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least 730 days.
- You've reached 45 years of age;
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least 730 days.
- You've reached 50 years of age;
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least 730 days.
- You've reached 55 years of age;
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least 730 days.
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least 730 days. A maximum amount can be set.
Eligible shares: All shares issues and held in an RRSP or spousal RRSP for at least 90 days up to the contribution limit allowed under the plan.
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least two years. Shares purchased after returning to school cannot be redeemed under this criterion.
- A new business to create or maintain jobs;
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least two years.
- A business experiencing financial difficulties;
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least two years.
Eligible shares: All shares that have been held for at least two years in the shareholder’s account.
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least two years.
Eligible shares: All shares held.
Eligible shares: All shares held.
Eligible shares: All shares held.
Eligible shares: All shares held.
Eligible shares: All shares held.
Eligible shares: All shares held (cheque issued to the succession or transfer to another plan).
Eligible shares: All shares held.
Eligible shares: All eligible shares held.
Eligible shares: All the shares purchased while the shareholder wasn’t eligible for tax credits.
- Loss of employment or the end of a sole-source contract;
- Involuntary decrease in normal work hours;
- Decrease or end of benefits;
Eligible shares: All shares held. Shares purchased after the decrease in net income cannot be redeemed under this criterion.
Eligible shares: All shares held. Shares purchased after the dissolution of the union cannot be redeemed under this criterion.
Eligible shares: All shares held. Shares purchased after the temporary disability cannot be redeemed under this criterion.
- You or your spouse acts as a natural caregiver for a family member;
Eligible shares: All shares held for at least two years.
- A sudden, involuntary decrease in family income, if you are self-employed.
Eligible shares: All shares held. Shares purchased after the involuntary decrease in net income cannot be redeemed under this criterion.
The FlexiFonds offering is the logical extension of your Fonds experience
It's possible to stay invested in the Fonds family with the FlexiFonds offering. It offers Fonds savers a variety of savings vehicles and products tailored to various investor profiles and savings goals.
Do you have more questions?
Our agents will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at:
514-850-4992Fonds de solidarité FTQ
About FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ
FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, is a mutual fund dealer duly registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers. FlexiFonds de solidarité inc. acts as the principal distributor of the FlexiFonds funds and does not distribute the units of any other mutual fund.