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The benefits of payroll deductions

Tax savings

Receive an extra 30% in tax credits¹ when you contribute to an RRSP+ with the Fonds, in addition to the standard RRSP deduction.


You can set up your contributions in just minutes from your online account. Modify or cancel your contributions at any time.

Peace of mind

Once you've set up your payroll deductions, you can contribute throughout the year to work toward your savings goals without having to think about it, even if share issuance is limited.

Deduction at source

Reduce the net amount of your withdrawals while benefiting from tax savings with every paycheque.

See how fast it can add up!

Determine the amount you want to set aside on each pay, and get your tax return immediately!

Please note! Taxable income will not be a criterion for access to tax credits.

The maximum taxable income ($112,655 in 2022) required to qualify for the 30%[1] ax credits specific to labour-sponsored funds has been postponed for 3 years.

Learn more about the 30% tax credits eligibility

Calculate your payroll deduction

Amount to be invested



Real cost to you: $0.00

Amount deducted per pay $0.00
RRSP deduction $0.00
+ 30% tax credit $0.00
Real cost $0.00

Indicate $0.00 per pay in the "Amount to be invested" field when you fill out your contribution form.


Calculated amounts are estimates which may vary depending on your tax situation. Note that the income tax brackets and tax rates used are established according to the current fiscal rules as of January 1, 2024.

How does it work?

For each pay, a fixed amount is deducted and deposited in your RRSP+.

You decide the amount to be deducted
You can change or stop the deduction at any time
You will benefit from tax savings with each pay

Did you know that an RRSP+ can help you achieve your goals?

Whether you're just starting to save or nearing retirement, your Fonds savings are there to support you throughout your life.

Buy your first home

The RRSP+ and the HBP make it easier to finance the purchase of your first home.

Go back to school

Update your skills or get a fresh start: with the LLP, you can go back to school for less.

Plan your retirement

Retiring with peace of mind requires careful planning. Save with the RRSP+ and build the retirement that's right for you.

See savings goals  

A flexible RRSP in case of bumps in the road

An RRSP+ with the Fonds will also help you meet any challenges life throws your way.2

Most frequently asked questions

What are payroll deductions?
Payroll deductions is an automatic savings method offered by your employer that allows you to contribute to your RRSP+ directly from your paycheck and receive an immediate tax credit.
More Details : What are payroll deductions?
How to contribute to your RRSP+ via payroll deductions.
If your employer offers the RRSP+ via payroll deductions, all you need to do is sign up and start contributing online.
More Details : How to contribute to your RRSP+ via payroll deductions.
My Online Account
How do I modify or discontinue my payroll deductions?
Log in to your account, then click on "My contributions".
More Details : How do I modify or discontinue my payroll deductions?
What is the difference between payroll deductions and automatic withdrawals?
Payroll deductions let you enjoy tax savings with each paycheque. Automatic withdrawals, on the other hand, are deducted from your bank account and you receive your tax savings at the end of the fiscal year.
More Details : What is the difference between payroll deductions and automatic withdrawals?
Is it possible to contribute more than $5,000 a year to the Fonds?
Yes. You may contribute more than $5,000 per calendar year.
More Details : Is it possible to contribute more than $5,000 a year to the Fonds?
What can I do with my RRSP+?
Whether you are just starting out saving, buying a house, going back to school or you’re ready to retire, your savings with the Fonds are always there for you.
More Details : What can I do with my RRSP+?

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  • 1

    The acquisition of shares of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ may give rise to labour-sponsored fund tax credits. The tax credits amount to 30%, namely 15% at the Quebec level and 15% at the federal level, and are limited to $1,500 per fiscal year, which represents a $5,000 purchase of shares of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. On March 1, 2024, The Government of Québec announced in Information Bulletin 2024-3 that tax legislation would be amended to postpone by three years the rule providing that the tax credit would be available only to individuals whose taxable income for a given taxation year was below the highest tax rate. Please note that this postponement may be subject to legislative changes.

    Please read the prospectus before buying Fonds de solidarité FTQ shares. Copies of the prospectus may be obtained on the Website, from a local representative or at the offices of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. The shares of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ are not guaranteed, their value changes and past performance may not be repeated.


    Because the Fonds is subject to a share redemption policy, it can redeem your shares only if your situation meets one of the redemption criteria set out in Schedules 1 and 2 of the  prospectus.