FlexiFonds Growth Fund
Looking for long-term growth of your savings and, to a lesser extent, income?
Fixed-income securities
Québec shares
Global equities
Fonds shares
This fund invests in Class "C" shares of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, which primarily reinvests in Québec companies.
Fixed income securities
This fund invests in government bonds issued in part by the Québec government, which help stimulate the economy in addition to providing a stable income.
Québec stocks
This fund invests in publicly traded Québec companies that are part of the IQ-30 index established by the Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine (IRÉC) to encourage businesses across various sectors of the local economy.
Global equities
This fund invests in securities of companies located in developed countries to allow you to diversify your assets.
You have a medium- to long-term savings plan, such as saving during your career to enjoy your retirement.
You have a low to moderate risk tolerance and are willing to accept fluctuations in your savings.
Geographic allocation
Asset class allocation
3 As at September 30, 2024
The FlexiFonds Growth Fund allows you to invest in securities whose assets are 70% linked to the Québec economy
Market value per unit1
As at February 14, 2025
As of January 31, 20252
Annual compound returns (%)
Year to Date | 1 year | 3 years | 5 years | 10 years | Since Inception | |
FlexiFonds Growth | 1.74% | 14.24% | 5.19% | 5.92% | N/A | 6.59% |
Fund's total market value: $156.5 million
Year-by-year returns3
Legal notice
Management fees and other expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please consult your advisor and read the prospectus and the fund facts documents before making an investment. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. The FlexiFonds funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.
How much is a FlexiFonds mutual fund advisor worth?
As an investor, you may be tempted to deviate from your long-term savings objectives. You could, for instance, be seduced by attractive short-term rates or tempted to liquidate everything at the next market tremor. That's where the FlexiFonds team comes in, to help you make decisions that are in your best interest. According to a Quebec study conducted by CIRANO, using financial advice could enable you to accumulate nearly 3 times more savings than if you were to invest on your own for retirement.
What our savers say
"The advisor was interested and interesting. She quickly created a climate of trust. I also appreciate the fact that our investments remain in Quebec."
— Mickaël, FlexiFonds saver
"I appreciated the advisor's professionalism and his attitude over the phone, where I perceived him more as a partner who wanted me to be well informed and comfortable, and not as a salesperson."
— Yves, FlexiFonds saver
Identify your investor profile
You can answer a few questions directly online to help us identify your investor profile. This step allows us to determine if a product is tailored to your reality. You can start by choosing the savings account you'd like to invest in: the RRSP, TFSA, RRIF, or investment account with FlexiFonds.
Portofolio managers

FlexiFonds mutual funds, with the exception of global equities, are managed by Addenda Capital inc.Attention, ce lien ouvrira un nouvel onglet. a Québec company specializing in portfolio management for over 30 years. Addenda Capital Inc. is a leading investment firm and a long-time partner of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ.

Portfolio management for global equities is provided by Montrusco Bolton Investments Inc.Attention, ce lien ouvrira un nouvel onglet. an independent asset management company with a history dating back to 1946. Based in Montreal, the investment management firm manages portfolios for institutional clients in North America, Europe and Asia.
About FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ
FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, is a mutual fund dealer duly registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers. FlexiFonds de solidarité inc. acts as the principal distributor of the FlexiFonds funds and does not distribute the units of any other mutual fund.
Supplemental documents about the FlexiFonds Growth Fund
Portfolio Documents
Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure (including Summary of Investment Portfolio)
Most frequently asked questions