Most frequently asked questions

Discover the Fonds
What can I expect as a return on investment?
The Fonds' share performance depends on the change in the value of its share; therefore, it isn't predetermined. The share is currently valued at $63.71.
More Details : What can I expect as a return on investment?
Getting Started
What’s the deadline to contribute to an RRSP for the year 2024?
You have until March 3, 2025, to contribute to your RRSP and lower your taxes for the year 2024.
More Details : What’s the deadline to contribute to an RRSP for the year 2024?
Redemptions and withdrawals
Under what conditions can I withdraw the money held in my RRSP+ with the Fonds?
Because the Fonds is subject to a share redemption policy, it can redeem your shares only if your situation meets one of the redemption criteria set out in Schedules 1 and 2 of the Prospectus.1
More Details : Under what conditions can I withdraw the money held in my RRSP+ with the Fonds?
Redemptions and withdrawals
Can I withdraw money from my RRSP+ before age 65?
You can benefit from the savings in your RRSP+ well before your 65th birthday, but only under certain conditions!
More Details : Can I withdraw money from my RRSP+ before age 65?
Getting Started
What's an RRSP?
An RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) is an investment vehicle that lets you save throughout your professional life to compensate for a financial need that may arise during your retirement.
More Details : What's an RRSP?
My Online Account
Where can I change my address or update my personal informations?
Log in to your account, and you'll be automatically redirected to the address change form.
More Details : Where can I change my address or update my personal informations?