When can I withdraw funds from a spousal RRSP or RRIF?

Withdrawals from a spousal RRSP+ must meet certain criteria. You can withdraw funds from a spousal RRSP or RRIF with FlexiFonds at any time. Withdrawals are generally added to the saver's income and are subject to tax during the year the funds were withdrawn.

The attribution rule applies to spousal RRSPs and ensures that contributions made to a spousal RRSP cannot be withdrawn for at least three years after the date they were made. If the funds are withdrawn before the end of the three-year period, they will be treated as taxable income for the contributing spouse.

It's important to remember that only the annuitant of the spousal RRSP can withdraw funds from the account—not the contributing spouse.

Rules concerning the spousal RRSP+ with the Fonds

You may withdraw amounts held in a spousal RRSP+ with the Fonds only if you meet one of the redemption criteria set out in Schedules 1 and 2 of the prospectus[1].

For more information, please refer to the conditions for withdrawing money held in an RRSP+ with the Fonds.

Specific properties of the spousal RRIF

As with a regular RRSP, contributions to a spousal plan continue until the end of the year in which the spouse turns 71.

When a spousal RRSP is converted to a RRIF, it becomes a spousal RRIF. Since the account holder is not the person who contributed to the spousal RRSP, withdrawals will be made by the account annuitant.

Keep in mind that if a spouse contributes to a spousal RRSP during the year it is converted to a RRIF or either of the two preceding years, they may have income attributed to them if the annuitant withdraws more than the minimum annual withdrawal for that year.

Rules concerning the spousal RRSP and spousal RRIF with FlexiFonds

FlexiFonds[2] products have no redemption criteria.

However, the amounts you withdraw from a spousal RRSP are added to your taxable income. In addition, you must start withdrawing money from a spousal RRIF the year after opening the account.

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  • 1

    Fonds de solidarité FTQ

    Please read the prospectus before subscribing to shares of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. Copies of the prospectus may be obtained on the Website fondsftq.com, from a local representative or at the offices of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in share value and reinvestment of all dividends and do not take into account income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. The shares of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ are not guaranteed, their value changes and past performance may not be repeated.


    FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ Inc.
    The units of the FlexiFonds funds are distributed solely in Québec by FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ inc., a mutual fund dealer wholly owned by the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ inc. does not distribute the units of any other mutual funds. Management fees and other expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please consult your advisor and read the prospectus and the fund facts documents before making an investment. The units of the FlexiFonds funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation nor any other government deposit insurer. The FlexiFonds funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.