A break for you and the planet (Contest completed)

From December 13rd, 2022 to March 4th, 2023
This contest is currently closed.
Thank you for participating!
Five (5) winners will each win the following: A (1) $1,000 gift certificate that can be redeemed at either Fairmont Tremblant or at Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu hotel.
- Julie Paquet
- Anick Mineault
- Guylaine Brissette
- Isabelle Saucier
- Raymond Patton
Contest rules - "A break for you and the planet"/
ON MARCH 9, 2023Contest period
The "A break for you and the planet" contest (hereinafter referred to as the "Contest") is being held as part of the Fonds' marketing activities. It is being held by the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Fonds" or "Fonds de solidarité FTQ") and will take place in the province of Québec exclusively, from December 13, 2022 to March 4, 2023.
Contest entry conditions:
- This Contest is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who is a resident of the province of Québec for tax purposes and enters the Contest between December 13, 2022 and March 4, 2023 in the way described below.
- Employees and administrators of the Fonds and its network (Fonds régional de solidarité FTQ, Fonds locaux de solidarité FTQ, Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ and Flexifonds de solidarité FTQ inc.), local representatives, employees of the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, and persons with whom these employees, directors and local representatives reside are not eligible to enter this Contest.
How to enter
- During the Contest Period, you can obtain one (1) entry in the following way:
- By changing your communication preferences to « email » directly from your online account or by calling Saving Services to do so, during the December 13, 2022 to March 4, 2023 Contest Period.
Prize description
- A (1) 1,000$ gift certificate that can be redeemed at either Fairmont Tremblant or at Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu hotel.
- The total value of the prizes is $5,000.
- The above prize is not transferable or negotiable.
Five (5) winners will each win the following:
Prize awarding process
- Software with an automatic feature will randomly draw five (5) people from the Contest entrants. The draw will take place on March 9, 2023.
- The results will be recorded by a representative of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ.
- Before you can be declared a winner, you must:
- Be contacted by us within five (5) days of the draw.
- Answer a mathematical skill-testing question correctly, unaided and within a limited time. We will ask you this question over the phone at a pre-arranged time.
- Complete and return to us, within five (5) days of receipt, the declaration and liability waiver form that we will have sent you.
- By signing the declaration form, you agree:
- To accept your prize as described in these rules.
- To not transfer or sell your prize to another person or substitute it for another prize.
- Failure to comply with these rules will result in the selected entrant being disqualified. A new draw will be performed in accordance with these Contest Rules until an entrant is selected and declared a winner.
- The winner's name will be published on the Fonds' website at www.fondsftq.com/contest.
- The winner of the prize releases the Fonds, which is the Contest Organizer, its advertising and promotional agencies, their employees, agents and representatives from any and all liability for any damage they may suffer as a result of accepting or using the prize, including any tax consequences.
- The winner of a prize authorizes the Fonds and its representatives to use, if applicable, their name, photograph, image, voice, contact information, place of residence or statement relating to their prize for publicity purposes, without any form of compensation.
- The Fonds, its advertising and promotional agencies, employees, agents and representatives shall not be liable for any Internet or website malfunctions, problems or technical malfunctions of any telephone network or lines or computer on-line systems, servers, address providers, computer equipment or software, failure to transmit or receive any electronic mail, or for any damage or loss that may be caused directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the downloading of any webpage or software, technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, including damage to an entrant's computer or any other person's computer used to enter the Contest, to receive materials relating to the Contest or accept a prize.
- The Fonds reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this Contest, in whole or in part, in the event that an event or human intervention occurs that could corrupt or affect the administration, security, impartiality or conduct of the Contest as set out in these Contest Rules, subject to the approval of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec, if required. In all cases, the Fonds, its affiliates, advertising and promotional agencies, suppliers of products or services related to this Contest and its employees, agents and representatives will not be required to attribute more prizes or award one or more prizes other than in accordance with these Contest Rules.
- Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a publicity contest may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of a prize may also be submitted to the Régie, but only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.
- These Contest Rules are posted on the Fonds de solidarité FTQ website at www.fondsftq.com/contest.