Environmental factors

Medallion representing a building whose design aligns with our environmental values.

Eco-responsible projects for a greener society

As an organization committed to promoting sustainable development, we carry out eco-friendly projects close to major public transit networks that align with LEED, WELL, and BOMA BEST certification criteria. In particular, we support mixed-use projects that create opportunities for a circular economy.

Our ESG policy framework guides our investment decisions, and our action plan is already well underway. The policy framework covers projects in development or construction, property assets under management and buildings managed by our property management team.

Our environnemental actions are informed by:

  • the sustainability and financial profitability of our assets
  • recognized and measurable performance indicators
  • industry best practices aimed at reducing emissions by:
  • using energy-efficient systems
  • installing EV charging stations
  • becoming part of an energy loop
  • installing green roofs or integrating other passive measures into the buildings
  • waste sorting at the source and using composting systems
  • choosing materials with an optimal life-cycle
  • managing stormwater and water waste.

ESG commitments for responsible investments

Check out these episodes highlighting the environmental aspect of ESG factors.

ESG: The environment and Solar Uniquartier

Solar Uniquartier is a vast mixed-use eco-friendly development on Montréal's South Shore, near the light rail system (REM).

Video in French only

Building sustainable projects

MONTONI is a partner that combines expertise, innovative design, technology, and sustainable development. The millions of LEED-certified square feet built over the years reflect MONTONI's commitment to the environment. Developed with MONTONI and Montez Corporation, Espace Montmorency, located in Laval next to the Montmorency metro station, is a fine example of a project at the forefront of urban design that respects the environment.

Video in French with English subtitles

Bâtir un avenir durable avec les critères ESG: French-language podcast

Listen to these podcast episodes (in French only), produced in collaboration with Constructo, to learn more about how we integrate ESG factors into our real estate projects.

"Mesurer l'intensité carbone, c'est payant!"

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy is crucial to the fight against climate change. Hence the boom in carbon-neutral construction projects! But how and why should we measure carbon intensity in this sector?

"Les certifications, un allié pour vos projets"

One of Québec's most eco-friendly and sustainable buildings, the Louis-Laberge building sets the standard for certification and integration of ESG factors. In this episode, we take a closer look at this flagship building to discuss the importance of building certifications and how to earn them.

"Des pratiques en constante évolution : vers le développement durable"

Sustainability, the well-being of occupants, carbon neutrality, and environmental criteria are now commonplace concerns in the construction industry. Discover how new projects, such as Novia, are contributing to changing practices.

Do you have a real estate project?[1]

Learn all about the investment solutions we can offer your business.

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    Partnering with the Fonds immobilier for the purpose of carrying out real estate projects is conditional on compliance with its investment criteria and the authorization of its governing bodies.