As a development capital investment fund that conducts public offerings by way of a prospectus, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ is subject to the Securities Act and certain of its regulations. The Fonds is also registered as an investment fund manager. Consequently, it is subject to strict compliance rules and public disclosure requirements for its directors.
Reference documents
Annual Information Form
- Ensure adherence to the Fonds' mission, its incorporation act, and all other applicable laws, in accordance with the values of solidarity and responsibility
- Approve the main orientations, policies, and business strategies of the Fonds, notably regarding integrated financial assets management and integrated risk management
- Ensure that there are controls over the Fonds' management, including risk management, and promote a culture of integrity
- Approve and follow up on investment recommendations under its purview
- Ensure that, in its role as an investor, the Fonds acts in a socially responsible manner
- Routinely evaluate the Fonds' performance
Board member responsibilities
Being a director of the Fonds is an important commitment.
The board of directors meets 10 to 15 times a year, during normal business hours. As a board member, you may also be asked to sit on other board committees.
The directors of the Fonds must comply with the obligations governing the Fonds' activities, including the Civil Code of Québec, the Act to establish the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.), the Québec Companies Act, and the Securities Act and related regulations. In addition, the board and its committees are subject to the Fonds' policies and directives, which detail their obligations and responsibilities with respect to ethics and governance.
Board members may stand for re-election every year, up to a maximum of 12 terms.
Reference documents
Politique cadre relative aux administrateurs et administratrices et membres de comité du Fonds (available in French only)
Code d'éthique du Fonds (available in French only)
Charte du conseil d'administration du Fonds (available in French only)
Politique relative à l'indépendance des membres du conseil d'administration et de différents comités constitués par le conseil d'administration du Fonds (available in French only)
Politique relative à la rémunération des administrateurs et administratrices du Fonds (available in French only)