Become a board member

Inspired by the Fonds' mission? Consider serving on our board of directors.

2025 public call for nominations

The Fonds de solidarité FTQ invites you to apply from January 30 to March 31, 2025, for one of four board positions to be filled through a public call for nominations.

To apply:

  • Check that you meet all of the eligibility criteria
  • Fill out the application form

The election of the board will occur at the Fonds' next general meeting of shareholders, which will take place on September 27, 2025.

If more than four people apply through the public call for nominations, a secret ballot will be held. The four candidates who receive the most votes, including proxy votes, will be elected.

Elected board members are eligible for re-election every year, up to a maximum cumulative term of 12 years.

picto calendrier

Important dates

January 30, 2025 : Start of application period

March 31, 2025 : Application deadline

May 2025 : Confirmation of eligible candidates

September 27, 2025 : Election at the annual general meeting of shareholders

  • As a development capital investment fund that conducts public offerings by way of a prospectus, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ is subject to the Securities Act and certain of its regulations. The Fonds is also registered as an investment fund manager. Consequently, it is subject to strict compliance rules and public disclosure requirements for its directors.

    Reference documents
    Annual Information Form


    • Ensure adherence to the Fonds' mission, its incorporation act, and all other applicable laws, in accordance with the values of solidarity and responsibility
    • Approve the main orientations, policies, and business strategies of the Fonds, notably regarding integrated financial assets management and integrated risk management
    • Ensure that there are controls over the Fonds' management, including risk management, and promote a culture of integrity
    • Approve and follow up on investment recommendations under its purview
    • Ensure that, in its role as an investor, the Fonds acts in a socially responsible manner
    • Routinely evaluate the Fonds' performance

    Board member responsibilities

    Being a director of the Fonds is an important commitment.

    The board of directors meets 10 to 15 times a year, during normal business hours. As a board member, you may also be asked to sit on other board committees.

    The directors of the Fonds must comply with the obligations governing the Fonds' activities, including the Civil Code of Québec, the Act to establish the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec (F.T.Q.), the Québec Companies Act, and the Securities Act and related regulations. In addition, the board and its committees are subject to the Fonds' policies and directives, which detail their obligations and responsibilities with respect to ethics and governance.

    Board members may stand for re-election every year, up to a maximum of 12 terms.

    Reference documents

    Politique cadre relative aux administrateurs et administratrices et membres de comité du Fonds (available in French only)
    Code d'éthique du Fonds (available in French only)
    Charte du conseil d'administration du Fonds (available in French only)
    Politique relative à l'indépendance des membres du conseil d'administration et de différents comités constitués par le conseil d'administration du Fonds (available in French only)
    Politique relative à la rémunération des administrateurs et administratrices du Fonds (available in French only)
  • To be eligible for consideration, applicants must meet the following criteria:

    • Be a Fonds shareholder[1]
    • Secure the support of at least 50 other Fonds shareholders
    • Be 18 years of age or older
    • Not be under tutorship or curatorship
    • Not be an undischarged bankrupt
    • Not be legally banned from serving as a director
    • Not have been convicted of misconduct or any economic offence, sexual offence, indecent act, or offence against the person and reputation
    • Have prior experience in the socio-economic sector
    • Commit to purchasing a minimum of $1,000 in Fonds shares every year
    • Not work in a field that is in competition with the Fonds' activities and that could be incompatible with the duties of a Fonds director
    • Completed nomination form
    • Up-to-date résumé
    • Recent photo: to be published in the management circular (available in August on the Being a Fonds shareholder page), distributed at the annual general meeting (filmed event)
      • Minimum dimensions: 3 x 5 inches or 900 x 1500 pixels at 300 dpi
      • Format: JPEG
      • Clear, sharp image with a white background
      • Centred: face and shoulders squared to the camera

    If your file is incomplete, we will contact you so that you can provide the missing information.

    Send us your application

    By email:


    By mail:
    Fonds de solidarité FTQ
    Corporate Affairs Department
    545 Crémazie Boulevard East, Suite 200
    Montréal (Québec) H2M 2W4

  • 1
    For the purposes of this call for nominations, shareholder means a person who is registered in the Fonds' securities register and who is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the Fonds shares they hold.