For what goal is a TFSA a good investment option?

This savings vehicle can be useful if you want to realize a specific project or to top up your retirement savings.

The TFSA provides you with tax-free investment income and greater flexibility when it comes to making withdrawals. You can withdraw amounts without tax consequences, which makes it practical for saving up for a trip or renovations.

You can also hold different financial products in your TFSA, such as stocks, mutual funds or guaranteed investment certificates. With a medium- to long-term investment horizon, you can generally anticipate earning higher income compared to a simple savings account.

If you're interested in the TFSA, learn more about the TFSA with FlexiFonds.

FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ Inc.
The units of the FlexiFonds funds are distributed solely in Québec by FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ inc., a mutual fund dealer wholly owned by the Fonds de solidarité FTQ. FlexiFonds de solidarité FTQ inc. does not distribute the units of any other mutual funds. Management fees and other expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please consult your advisor and read the prospectus and the fund facts documents before making an investment. The units of the FlexiFonds funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation nor any other government deposit insurer. The FlexiFonds funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.