Sustainable development

Principles at the heart of our mission, values and practices.

Our board of directors has adopted a sustainable development policy framework that identifies the Fonds de solidarité FTQ's key orientations and general approach regarding sustainable development and responsible investment.

Our key orientations

  • We contribute to the economic vitality of Québec and its regions in various ways, including by doing the following:

    • Offering Québecers an advantageous RRSP and raising awareness about the importance of saving for retirement.
    • Using local retirement savings to provide patient capital to Québec companies, thus facilitating their growth and helping them create, maintain, and protect jobs.
  • When it comes to labour relations and human rights, our values and practices extend beyond regulatory requirements. The social balance sheet drawn up by our team is a unique company valuation process. For example, the Fonds:

    • Performs due diligence prior to any investment to assess the profile of the workforce, working conditions, the quality of communications within the company, adherence to health and safety standards, and environmental compliance.
    • Has adopted an international code of conduct.
    • Has developed guiding principles for the exercise of voting rights, enabling us to take action that is consistent and in line with our values.
    • Provides workers with economic training to encourage them to participate in improving their employer's performance.
    • Offers strategic and operational support to its partner companies in order to promote worker involvement.
  • The Fonds' operations and sustainable development report and its Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index reflect our efforts to advance our organizational practices for continuous improvement.

    • The Louis-Laberge building, which houses our head office, is the first building in Québec to achieve the highest level of LEED v4 O+M Platinum certification. The building is also BOMA BEST Platinum certified for its outstanding performance in water and energy consumption. Maintaining this dual certification shows the ongoing excellence of our systems operation for the Louis-Laberge building.
    • Greenhouse gas emissions generated in connection with the annual general meeting of shareholders and the national meeting of local representatives are offset through the purchase of certified carbon credits.
    • The Fonds favours local, responsible procurement.
    • Our donation and sponsorship policy provides a framework for allocating our support to non-profit organizations.
    • In addition to our own contributions, we also raise significant sums through the generosity of our teams during our annual fundraising campaign for Centraide.

    Learn more about our donation and sponsorship policy


The Fonds, together with the workers

The Fonds requires employers—its future partners—to be respectful of employees, the community and our shareholders. To this end, the Fonds early on created the Office of Labour Relations, Partner Companies.

The social audit is a unique evaluation tool. Through the social audit, the team identifies ways to support the company in its growth and other projects.