Our commitment to sustainable development

Download the 2023–2024 highlights (In french only)

Our ambition is to build a sustainable society

We've set high standards to identify companies and projects that benefit the environment, the economy and Quebecers today and well into the future.

Moving in the right direction

The Fonds de solidarité FTQ has always been an agent of change. And to continue making a difference, we've rallied around a clear vision: to accelerate Québec's development into a just society and a sustainable economy for all.

It's a vision that reflects our ambitions.

Message from the President and
Chief Executive Officer

At the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, we believe that financial return must be coupled with societal returns.

In other words, we are driven by the desire to create, through our work, advancement for workers and businesses as well as for society.

It is with this vision in mind that in 2022 we set three targets to be met over a five-year period and for which we measure our progress annually: reaching $12 billion in sustainable development assets, encouraging 100,000 new shareholders who earn less than the Québec average salary or do not have a retirement plan to start saving and reaching 100,000 impact actions carried out by our employees.

These targets are obviously ambitious, but we need this ambition. They perfectly fit with the DNA that has defined the Fonds de solidarité FTQ for over 40 years.

And to continue to have a sustainable collective impact, we have established six societal returns that bring together the scope of our actions to make a difference in Québec's key issues. These societal returns also contribute to meeting certain United Nations sustainable goals and respond to our conviction that to advance Québec, the social and economic development pillars have to go hand in hand.

Because we believe that investing must be a way to make the world a better place and generate a positive collective impact for now and the future.

Janie Béïque

President and Chief Executive Officer

Key sustainable development priorities

Local economic development drives our business model

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Local economic development drives our business model

Together, we're invigorating every region of Québec by investing your retirement savings in a variety of local businesses to help them prepare for the future. When the economy flourishes, so do companies and your savings.

People are at the heart of our initiatives

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People are at the heart of our initiatives

Our human values guide everything we do. Because we firmly believe that together we can build a sustainable Québec. For example, we verify that each place we invest in complies with health, safety and environmental standards.

Organizational practices reduce our environmental footprint

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Organizational practices reduce our environmental footprint

Perfection may be impossible but constant improvement is a always priority.

We're constantly adapting our organizational practices to reduce our water and energy consumption as well as our greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the Louis-Laberge building, where our head office is located, is the first building in Québec to achieve the highest level of LEED v4 O+M Platinum certification.


Support for foundations and non-profit organizations across Québec

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Support for foundations and non-profit organizations across Québec

In line with our donations and sponsorships policy, we provide financial support to organizations throughout Québec that contribute to community well-being by raising awareness about retirement savings, protecting the environment, helping to fight climate change, participating in the province's economic development and so much more. And the generosity of our teams has allowed us to become actively involved in Centraide's fundraising campaign.

Learn more about how we contribute to the collective enrichment of our societyLearn more about how we contribute to the collective enrichment of our society


Our targets for May 31, 2027

We aspire to achieve three ambitious targets that reflect our raison d’être and social values.

Achieve $12 billion in sustainable assets

We have achieved over $7 billion in sustainable development assets[1] by developing a definition aligned with international standards, implementing a process and tools to qualify and monitor companies, and encouraging unqualified companies to make the transition to sustainable business operations.

Achieve 100,000 impact actions

Over 50,000 impact actions[1] have been achieved through our employee sustainability initiatives.

Encourage 100,000 new investors

This year, we encouraged 30,272[1] new savers without a pension plan or whose salary is below the Québec average to start a saving process. We have encouraged a total of 53,621 new investors in two years.[1]

Our societal returns

To define our sphere of activity and to measure our impact, we’ve defined six societal return themes. Learn more about them.


Improve people's quality of life by ensuring that they have sufficient income to be able to fully enjoy their retirement.

No poverty Good health and well-being

Help SMEs achieve sustainable growth to promote their success and long-term survival.

Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastucture

Support the development of social and community real estate projects while improving the environmental performance of owned and managed properties.

No poverty Sustainable cities and communities Climate action Life on land

Tackle climate change and protect and restore the environment, making sure that employees and communities aren’t left behind but rather benefit from our actions.

Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth

Modernizing Québec SMEs by integrating technological solutions, making sure that employees aren’t left behind but rather benefit from our actions.

Decent work and economic growth

Foster a healthy, stimulating and diverse workplace to attract, develop and retain talent so everyone can contribute to a sustainable economy.

Clean water and sanitation Affordable and clean energy Climate action Life on land


See the additional documentation to learn how your savings are helping to build the Québec of tomorrow.

  • 1
    As at May 31, 2024.