
Codes of ethics

In keeping with its values of integrity and respect, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ has established codes of ethics that set out the rules of conduct and behaviour standards that must be observed by its employees, officers, and directors. They include the following principles:

  • Act in a socially responsible manner
  • Comply with the laws, regulations, and policies applicable to the Fonds
  • Protect private information
  • Uphold the duty of confidentiality in all functions and activities
  • Avoid situations that may create a conflict of interest

Reporting line

The line is available 24/7 to report financial and ethical misconduct, inappropriate workplace behaviour, and any practices that are illegal or prohibited by our codes of ethics.

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Available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week,
by phone or online

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Confidential, anonymous, and managed
by an external organization

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Easy to use

Submitting a report

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On the independent website

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Examples of reportable situations

  • Financial, accounting, or auditing irregularities
  • Manipulation or falsification of data
  • Violations of laws, regulations, policies, or procedures
  • Fraud or theft
  • Harassment, discrimination, or violence
  • Unethical behaviour, conflicts of interest, bribery, or corruption