Press release

The Fonds de solidarité FTQ announces the membership of its Board of Directors following the Shareholders’ General Annual Meeting

Montréal, September 30, 2014 – Following the elections held at its Shareholders General Annual Meeting held in Montréal on September 27, 2014, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ’s Board of Directors is composed of the following members.

Mr. Robert Parizeau *        Chairman of the Board
Mr. Gaétan Morin            President and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Daniel Boyer            First Vice-Chairman
Mr. Pierre-Maurice Vachon *    Second Vice-Chairman
Mr. Serge Cadieux            Secretary
Ms. Christine Beaubien *
Mr. Gerry Boutin
Ms. Louise Chabot
Ms. Anouk Collet
Ms. Michelle Colpron *
Mr. Denis Labrèche *
Ms. Lucie Levasseur
Mr. Jean-Pierre Ouellet
Mr. Yves Ouellet
Mr. Michel Ouimet
Ms. Magali Picard
Mr. Daniel Roy
*Independent members with no affiliation with either the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, the FTQ or its affiliated unions.


Reconfiguration of the Board of Directors

On February 6th, the Fonds de solidarité FTQ announced that it would adopt the recommendations of its Special Governance Committee, including the reconfiguration of the Board of Directors. In its Budget 2014-2015 presented by Minister Leitão, the Government of Québec announced that it had retained the principles that guided the special committee’s work.

The law governing the Fonds will thus have to be amended by the Québec National Assembly as to allow the reconfiguration of the Board of Directors as to a ensure that a majority of directors, 11 of 19, can be elected by shareholders.


Composition of the Board of Directors of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ

Current situation

Special commitee’s


 Directors nominated by the FTQ  10  7
 Independent directors  4(*)  7(**)
 Directors elected by shareholders following a call for nominations  2  4
 President and CEO  1  1
 TOTAL  17  19
(*)- Nominated by the Board.
(**)- From now on, elected by shareholders following a recommendation of the governance and ethics committee formed by a majority of independent individuals.

About the Fonds de solidarité FTQ


The Fonds de solidarité FTQ helps drive our economy. With net assets of $10.1 billion as of May 31, 2014, the Fonds is a development capital fund that channels the savings of Quebecers into investments in all sectors of the economy to help create and maintain jobs and further Québec’s development. The Fonds is a partner, either directly or through its network members, in more than 2,450 companies. With 613,958 shareholder-savers, the Fonds helps create, maintain and protect more than 172,000 jobs. For more information, visit



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For media representatives only:
Patrick McQuilken
Senior Advisor, Media Relations and Communications
Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Phone: 514 850-4835
Mobile : 514 703-5587

For Fonds de solidarité FTQ shareholders:
Shareholder Services
Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Montréal: 514 383-3663
Québec: 418 628-3663
Toll Free: 1 800 567-3663