Press release

Solidarity Fund QFL employees Lent a hand to Relais communautaire Pont-Viau

Montréal, April 7, 2008 – It was with pleasure that Solidarity Fund QFL employees recently volunteered some of their time to help out at Relais communautaire Pont-Viau. This support activity was part of a volunteerism program called La solidarité du cœur, created in cooperation with Centraide of Greater Montreal to celebrate the Fund’s 25th anniversary.

The program was created in response to an interest expressed by Fund employees to become more active in their community and contribute to its betterment. Both the Fund and its employees are involved, since for each hour of volunteer work contributed by an employee, the Fund contributes an hour from the work schedule. The program will be run throughout 2008.

“This initiative represents a perfect fit with the Fund’s values,” said Yvon Bolduc, President and President and Chief Executive Officer of the Solidarity Fund QFL. “Employees in all sectors and at all levels are proud of this initiative, which is seen as a privilege. The hours we spend in support activities bring us closer to our community and help us realize that getting involved enhances our lives. We also get to see how essential Centraide’s work is.”

A helping hand for Relais communautaire Pont-Viau
The Fund’s employees recently lent a hand to Relais, sorting food supplies and clothing and helping to prepare meals for Laval’s underprivileged. Funded by Centraide, the organization also helps people in need go back to school or reintegrate into the workforce.

Attached: A photograph illustrating Fund employees’ pride in this project Click here

À propos du Fonds de solidarité FTQ
Le Fonds de solidarité FTQ, dont l'actif net atteint plus de 7,4 milliards $ au 30 novembre 2007, est un fonds d'investissement en capital de développement qui fait appel, par l’intermédiaire de son REER, à l’épargne des Québécoises et des Québécois. Ses investissements, dans tous les secteurs de l'économie, contribuent à la création et au maintien d’emplois dans les entreprises et favorisent le développement du Québec. Il est partenaire, directement ou par l'intermédiaire de l'un des membres de son réseau, dans 1 696 entreprises. Le Fonds compte maintenant plus de 575 000 actionnaires et a participé, seul ou avec d'autres partenaires financiers, à la création, au maintien et à la sauvegarde de plus de 122 000 emplois. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site
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Information: The following telephone number is provided for the exclusive use of journalists and other media representatives.

Source: Josée Lagacé
Senior Press Relations and Communications Advisor
Solidarity Fund QFL
Telephone: 514-850-4835